Wheatens at Saphyr's Run

When I was 13, after much nagging I got my first dog, unfortunately it was a Corgi with a temperament issue. To breed beautiful quality dogs became one of my life goals. Konrad Lorenz (Man Meets Dog 1953, translated 1954) steered me in the direction of a Boxer (or Airedale) but I think that he would have put Wheatens top of the list had he known one!

So I have owned quality Boxers since 1975 but became sidetracked from breeding with 4 children of my own. I have a degree in Industrial Chemistry and 5/6 of a psychology degree not completed due to health issues in the family. I also have the associated experience of management roles and a passion for statistics, when used well.

I have been involved with breeding Boxers since 1990, first through an “apprenticeship” with breeding agreements and then as an independent breeder involved in showing.

After our son went away to university his visits home indicated a big allergy to Boxers so we looked for an “allergy free option” and I ended up with my first Wheaten.

I see breeding as a 3 cornered stool. First there is temperament, closely followed by health, which includes a well constructed dog to stay active in old age, and then attention to the details of the breed.

The Wheatens have not disappointed. I find the lack of hair on everything, the smaller food bill and terrier hardiness very easy to live with. I also find them very easy to train with their working-dog-like eagerness to oblige.

Contact Details

Margaret Gray
Saphyr's Run, Sunbury, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61418410017
Email : [email protected]