Why Wheatens

Why Wheatens?


Extracts from the Breed Standards used in Australia explain why I am happy to make the transition, remembering that I aim to have my Wheatens meet the Boxer benchmark for temperament. A point that Maureen Holmes might take me up on if she were still alive.

Reference http://www.ankc.org.au/default.aspx



Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier





 Medium-sized, compact, upstanding terrier well covered with a soft, wheaten coloured, natural coat that falls in loose curls or waves. An active, short-coupled dog, strong and well built; well balanced in structure and movement, not exaggerated in any way. Standing four square with head and tail up, giving the appearance of a happy dog, full of character.




The Boxer is a medium sized, sturdy, smooth-haired dog of short square figure and strong limb. …..


 A natural terrier with strong sporting instincts, hardy and of strong constitution.


Good tempered. Most affectionate and loyal to his owners.

Most intelligent. A trusty, faithful friend, defensive without aggression.

The character of the Boxer is of the greatest importance and demands the most careful attention.  He is renowned from olden times for his great love and faithfulness to his master and household, his alertness, and fearless courage as a defender and protector.  The Boxer is docile but distrustful of strangers.  He is bright and friendly in play but brave and determined when roused.  His intelligence and willing tractability, his modesty, and cleanliness make him a highly desirable family dog and cheerful companion.  He is the soul of honesty and loyalty.  He is never false or treacherous even in his old age.

(See under Characteristics)


Contact Details

Margaret Gray
Saphyr's Run, Sunbury, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61418410017
Email : [email protected]